Saturday, June 19, 2010

I AM another YOU

I was fortunate to be part of Ms.Priya Kumar’s workshop at Mumbai. At the end of the session it stirred up a passion in all participants, as this is a key variable between a winner and a passenger. (in corporate world)
At the end of the session, she distributed her book ‘I AM another YOU’ to all of us.
I was very curious about this book and after I read this, I was compelled to write this in my blog.

The book is highly motivating and a simple read.

It is difficult to summarize key learning’s in few lines as this book is a power house of learning’s/experiences, but these were one’s which really moved me.

1) Each spiritual test mentioned the book has a deep significance and for instance - ‘The Salt Cleanse’ – Accepting waste with no judgment is respecting life to its fullest. The author realized the judgment of good or bad and right or wrong does not exist. The only thing exists – acceptance or denial. Life is indeed can be blissful if one thinks this way…

Quotes like these..
2) Life is strange; we acknowledge our pain but we often do not see our own actions damaging the life of another.

3) You cannot solve problems from the same place that you created them. You need a neutral ground to find a solution.

Brilliant anecdotes…
4) we are like a majestic peacock – bright feathers, proud gait, a bird of envy and admiration- who walks very intently into a cage. And then, when no one is looking, he cleverly locks the cage from the inside and throws the key far away. And for the rest of its life he lives in self pity and defeat.

Enumerative definition like this …
5) ‘Love is in allowing and love is in granting life to be…’. I believe, Today, a relationship gets sour because we don’t act this way. Priya’s advise is the need of the hour for building cordial relationships.

These quotes and anecdotes are not claptrap in her book but gospel truth as she writes this after completing a spiritual test.

I recommend reading this book to get insights about the spiritual tests of natives of Netherlands. These are so telling that we can relate to our life and as a result ‘I AM another YOU’ goes down a treat for book lovers in ‘Self Help’ category.