Sunday, November 15, 2009

Beyond The Secret

Beyond The Secret by Brenda Barnaby ISBN 978814992021
The author has made an admirable attempt to compile profound teachings of ancient and modern philosophy. This book delves literature on ancient wisdom and connects to contemporary literature. It has rich and relevant quotes of great philosophers which make the book very motivating.
One of the chapters focuses on steps to transform our life. Several steps have been discussed to apply these teachings to improve our well being.
My favourite was “Overcome your fears”
“According to Dr.Jeffers’ system, fear is felt at three levels. The fears at each level can be divided into two categories: fear of things that occur and fear of things that demand action from the individual”.
The author lists all three levels of fears and connects to three decades of study psychologists on fear and its influence on different aspects of our life. These psychologists have suggested steps to classify and analyse the fears.
To my mind “The Secret” is like a main course and “Beyond the Secret” is a dessert.

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